Re: [LAD] mixing music and sound effects using libao

From: <dave@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri May 01 2015 - 23:23:19 EEST

On Fri, 1 May 2015, Christopher Arndt wrote:

> Am 01.05.2015 um 11:49 schrieb David Griffith:
>> I really don't want to do that. My application has a curses interface and I don't want to pull in lots of GUI dependencies.
> Maybe Gorilla Audio then? I don't know it, I just found it searching for
> "audio mixing library".
> Pros: ANSI C, MIT license, cross-platform, high-level
> Cons: no MOD support (but can be extended), development by the original
> author seems to have stopped.
> I see you alredy created your own fork of the library on Github. What
> was your experience with it?

I considered that but decided against it because of lack of development,
no packages, and problems with playing 8-bit samples.

David Griffith
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Received on Sat May 2 12:15:03 2015

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