[LAD] strategies for mixing streams of differing channel counts

From: <dave@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat May 02 2015 - 11:30:50 EEST

Could I get some ideas and advice on the subject of reconciling two
streams with different channel layouts?

Going from mono to stereo is straightforward: make a stereo stream with
both channels carrying the same data. Mixing a one or two channel stream
with 5.1 or 7.1 also seems fairly clear: the audio goes to the front left
and right channels. Is this line of thinking solid?

What I don't understand is how to reconcile 5.1 audio with 7.1? Which two
of the four side and rear channels of 7.1 should receive the two rear
channels of 5.1? Also, should mono streams be mapped to the center
channel of 5.1/7.1?

I understand that the chances of someone writing a game that would go
beyond stereo are rather slim, but I'd rather not risk having someone
write a game that won't run on other Z-machines, but not mine. I'm also
considering extending the results of my work into a general-purpose mixer

David Griffith
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