From: Jonathan E. Brickman <jeb@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Sep 03 2018 - 19:40:01 EEST

On Sun, 2018-09-02 at 07:31 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Aug 2018 13:00:07 -0700 (PDT), Len Ovens wrote:MIDI was
> designed to handle in realtime (10 events from 10 fingers)
> That is incorrect, MIDI was designed for sequencer usage, too, so
> MIDIprovides 16 channels ;). While I only can play 6 channels in
> real-timeusing my guitar synth, even my C64 and Atari ST could play
> 16 channelsand more (btw. with way less MIDI jitter than any Linux PC
> can do).

Indeed, MIDI's 31.25 kbps gives (because of its 8+2 bit protocol) a
rough upper cap of 1500+ datacommands (including notes and timing
blips...) per second, notes being one byte per command, one more for
value. And even if we use the old (and lately often obsolete) 50%
rule, that's still 750+ items per second.

It would certainly be nice to blow all of those numbers away by two or
three orders of magnitude! And it would be gorgeous to have MIDI data
simply pervade an IP stage network, or an IP instrument network, or one
multi-instrument box through localhost, or a stack-of-Raspberry-Pis
network, or a creative combo. I don't like the idea of using CAT5e
generally on stage, because MIDI DINs are just so much more durable,
but of course CAT5e cables are inexpensive, and if the journaling
works, we could use CAT5e simply as a fallback where wifi, lifi, or
xifi [not sure IP-over-xray will happen :] is not practical.

In the last day or two I have been playing with the Mido library's
documentation examples, and just now found much more apparently
practical examples:

including what looks like two actual JACK<-->RTP-MIDI bridges in the
'ports' and 'sockets' subsections. Will be studying. Seeking much
input :-)

Jonathan E. Brickman   jeb@email-addr-hidden    (785)233-9977
Hear us at -- CDs and MP3 available!
Music of compassion; fire, and life!!!

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Received on Mon Sep 3 20:15:01 2018

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