It is working as here:
and quite well. Haven't come up with a single reason to make it more
complicated, beyond much more careful timeout handling. It will need
to be able to destroy its own socket and recreate et cetera, to be
durable with marginal wifi. And performance is not very good, midi2tcp
takes 3-5% of one core and tcp2midi takes 6-8% of another on this i3-
3110 at 2.4GHz.
Am not sure what best to do about the performance. Will probably try
converting Python to binary, but have read over and over again that
that doesn't do so very much.
I also had to rename it back to TCP after re-reading the Mido library
docs yet again, it is using rtpmidi backend but it says it's TCP, not
UDP, and it is using a connected socket which means TCP I do
believe. I had thought RTP-MIDI was UDP? I wonder if judicious use
of UDP would improve performance by a substantial amount?
-- Jonathan E. Brickman jeb@email-addr-hidden (785)233-9977 Hear us at -- CDs and MP3 available! Music of compassion; fire, and life!!!
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Received on Thu Sep 6 16:15:01 2018
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