Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] [OT] Apple acquieres Emagic
From: Mel Steinberg (
Date: Mon Jul 01 2002 - 13:11:54 EEST
This is interesting. I wonder how MOTU (DigitalPerformer), which is
Mac-exclusive, will react. Maybe a porting to another platform?
Maarten de Boer wrote:
>Rather interesting news: Apple has acquired Emagic (Logic)
>The most striking:
>"Macintosh®-based products account for over 65 percent of Emagic's
>current revenues. Emagic's Windows-based product offerings will be
>discontinued on September 30, 2002."
>Okay, many Windows Logic users will switch to Cubase or Cakewalk or just
>stay with the old version. But some might go looking for another alter-
>native for which they don't need to change hardware but just OS... An
>open-source alternative maybe which doesn't carry the risk of being
>discontinued all of a sudden.
>Then again, I would not be surprised if in the end Apple does decide
>to continue Windows support...
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