Subject: [linux-audio-user] [OT] Apple acquieres Emagic
From: Maarten de Boer (
Date: Mon Jul 01 2002 - 12:52:10 EEST
Rather interesting news: Apple has acquired Emagic (Logic)
The most striking:
"Macintosh®-based products account for over 65 percent of Emagic's
current revenues. Emagic's Windows-based product offerings will be
discontinued on September 30, 2002."
Okay, many Windows Logic users will switch to Cubase or Cakewalk or just
stay with the old version. But some might go looking for another alter-
native for which they don't need to change hardware but just OS... An
open-source alternative maybe which doesn't carry the risk of being
discontinued all of a sudden.
Then again, I would not be surprised if in the end Apple does decide
to continue Windows support...
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