Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] CC'ed from linux audio announce ?
From: jordan muscott (
Date: Mon Jul 01 2002 - 13:38:18 EEST
On Fri, 28 Jun 2002 17:00:40 +0200
Joern Nettingsmeier <> wrote:
>jordan muscott wrote:
>> Are we actually getting mails to Linux Audio Announce CC'ed to LAU? I
>> seem to remember we 'voted' to have them cc'ed to LAU but not LAD,
>but> this doesn't seem to have happened. ( or have i just not noticed
>it) .>
>> The last post ( [linux-audio-user] Re:[linux-audio-announce] Turtle
>> Beach Pinnacle/Fiji driver ) made me wonder.
>> jordan.
>it's that the web site *encourages* cc:s to LAU. the decision is with
>the poster.
right - i hate to drag this on up again, but when we voted on this it
was defintely to cc LAU on *all* posts to linux-audio-announce. Here is
a section pasted from the start of the original thread:
" i'm about to announce the new linux-audio-announce list to other
related mailing lists (alsa, lkml) and news site maintainers.
there is this one undecided issue whether to cc: LAD/LAU on all
announcements or not. i'd welcome your opinions before i make the
list known to a wider audience."
Leaving it up to the poster seems pointless to me -- without wanted to
go through all the reasons for wanting the cc'ing ( they are described
in full on the original thread ), it seems the only way to guarantee
that i would recieve these announcements is to subscribe to
linux-audio-announce, and then risk recieving the same message twice if
the poster decides to CC.
Again, i hate to seem like a moany old idiot, but alot of people seemed
eager for CC'ing to LAU and it hasn't happened. Maybe I should just shut
up and subscribe to linux-audio-annonuce....
regards, jordan.
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