Subject: [linux-audio-user] Fw: [Csnd] Announce: Abram's Unix Sound System (For Linux)
From: mik (
Date: Tue Jul 02 2002 - 22:09:42 EEST
This was posted to the Csound list yesterday.
Begin forwarded message:
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2002 13:33:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: abez <>
Subject: [Csnd] Announce: Abram's Unix Sound System (For Linux)
Announce: Abram's Unix Sound System (For Linux)
Basically what my Sound System is a multiplexer and demultiplexer for
unix (specifically linux right now) which enable you to stream audio data
over pipes and sockets to other programs by using the standard pipes
stdin and stdout.
The idea is that apps shouldn't have to touch the sound card (which speeds
up app development) you can play the output of apps to stdout then pipe
that later into a player like ecasound. By piping you can make filters in
any language you want to filter sound produced by other apps.
Timing is quite loose and mainly done through blocking (at the player
I have sucessfully used my software to pipe output from multiple CSOUND
instances into 1 sound stream in realtime then use other software to alter
that sound.
No it's not super effecient as multiple processes require context switches
(on the os levels) but the whole point is to quickly and easily string
together many programs. Also writing to stdout is easier than the sound
card for app developers.
So currently all that is there is the idea and a binary mux and demux
(which does audio mixing).
And example of use could be:
mpg123 -s 1.mp3 | mux localhost:8880 & \
mpg123 -s 2.mp3 | mux localhost:8880 & \
mpg123 -s 3.mp3 | mux localhost:8880 & \
mpg123 -s 4.mp3 | mux localhost:8880 & \
demux 8880 > 1234.raw
This would mix 4 mp3s into one.
You can get the super alpha version of my software from:
This program might be useful to some as you can do this:
demux 8880 | ecasound -i stdin &
demux 8889 > saveoutput.raw &
csound --sched -o stdout -M /dev/midi something.orc | \
mux localhost:8880 localhost:8889
This way you can play your orc in realtime and still record the output!
So I hope someone finds this useful I sure did.
-- ABeZ------------ ------- ------ - ---------- -- ------------ Abram Hindle ( ---- ------- ----------- ----------- - - ------ --------ABeZ-- To unsubscribe, send email to
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