Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: Removing distortion
From: Steve Harris (
Date: Mon Jul 08 2002 - 14:22:28 EEST
On Mon, Jul 08, 2002 at 07:19:57 +0900, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> I was told on Saturday that the way to do it is to invert the signal,
> cut off all the peaks then reinvert the signal again. At least that was
> how my friend fixed up a vinyl track that he was ahem, using.
> Apparently the process of inverting seperates the peaks from the stuff
> you want to keep in a dramatic fashion and you can just run the signal
> through a lowpass filter to get rid of the peaks.
This doesn't sound right, inverting the signal just gives a 180deg phase
shift and lowpassing it will just leave you with a low frequency click
(clicks are wideband signals - equal amplitude at every frequency).
> I haven't tried it but it sounded reasonable.
No it doesn't ;)
- Steve
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