Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Musician tuning....
From: X the Owl (
Date: Tue Jul 09 2002 - 12:30:07 EEST
The eternal question. there are a few apps, GLAME and Ardour being the
closest to what I need, that are getting close, but for real work there
just isn't a Free Software solution that's completely usable in an
intuitive way yet.
That having been said, there are some wonderful applications out there
that filfill certain niche desires, and you can find a large list at is particularly cool, and something
I've been playing around with in the past couple of days. kudos to the
developers of that one who read this list.
On 8 Jul 2002, Hanfas Istar wrote:
> Hello.
> Well, I am new in this kist, and I have a queston to you.
> I was using Cakewalk and Cubase VST with a lot of Virtual Instruments to
> make my music. Now Im planning to get the Windows off of my life an use
> onlu Open Source-GNU-GPL software.
> I have searching for software like that but have found very few apps
> that match my requirements.
> any one knows about?
> Tnx
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