Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] recorder for streaming audio
From: Vincent Touquet (
Date: Tue Jul 09 2002 - 22:51:50 EEST
For Real Audio, you need the official
reaplayer and vsound (it grabs the audio
before it hits the soundcard).
You can use vsound with any player
for that matter, so you could
as easily use it to make wavs
from your mp3s.
Most GUI mp3 players provide
plugins for that too.
On Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 07:40:11AM -0700, Paulson Samuel wrote:
>I am looking for a tool to record streaming audio from
>the internet say in Real audio or other format to MP3
>format on to the disk. Could anyone please tell me
>about a tool in linux for this?
>Paulson Samuel
>Paulson Samuel
>Sr.Lecturer EED
>MNR Engg College
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