Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Musician tuning....
From: Hanfas Istar (
Date: Tue Jul 09 2002 - 23:07:12 EEST
OK, i'll try it :)
Thanks to all.
El mar, 09-07-2002 a las 14:02, Joshua Haberman escribió:
> * X the Owl ( wrote:
> > The eternal question. there are a few apps, GLAME and Ardour being the
> > closest to what I need, that are getting close, but for real work there
> > just isn't a Free Software solution that's completely usable in an
> > intuitive way yet.
> Allow me to humbly suggest Audacity, a project I work on. I would say
> it's definitely intuitive, though perhaps not as featureful as GLAME and
> Ardour yet.
> Josh
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