Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] sound card basics
From: Michael Matthew Toomim (
Date: Fri Jul 12 2002 - 02:15:14 EEST
Here's how to install the kernel drivers for your soundcard:
Run "modconf" as root (a *great* utility that comes with debian).
Select kernel/drivers/sound
Select ac97
Follow the prompts, select "exit", and there you go!
Oh, you also might have to add your user to the "audio" group. You'll
need to do something like "usermod -G audio YOUR_LOGIN_NAME". Do a "man
usermod" first though, and you should also run "groups YOUR_LOGIN_NAME"
to make sure that you don't remove yourself from any groups that you're
already defined with.
Matt Price wrote:
> I'll try the OSS-Linuxt work tomorrow (and thanks already). Meanwhile I
> thought I should provide some of the missing info I foolishly left out
> of my original post:
> I have an ABIT AT7 motherboard, with a Realtek ALC-650 (AC-Link,
> supports AC'97 2.2) sound card on-board.
> I didn't notice this in any of the 'generic' lists for OSS or ALSA, but
> I don't really understand drivers very well so it's quite likely I'm
> looking in the wrong place.
> Is the driver installation process relatively straightforward? That is,
> assuming someone supports my card (whether alsa or oss-free or oss
> commercial), do I just have to install the driver and then everything
> will be hunkys dory? or do i have to do some more complicated
> configuring ee.g. to get x windows to be able to see my card, and then
> gnome on top of that (or kde, as I'm still experimenting with a bunch of
> desktop possibilities). any further guidance woul,d be appreciated!!
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