Subject: [linux-audio-user] help on Ceres3
From: Mauro Graziani (
Date: Fri Jul 12 2002 - 03:39:34 EEST
I installed ceres3 on a rh 7.3.
The program compiles well but when I try to work I have some problem.
I load & analyze an aiff file then try a simple trasform and do synth &
save. A new file is generated but when I try to play it using the 'play
current' command from file menu I get the message
"sox: Bogus AIFF file: MARKers but no INSTrument"
It seems that ceres3 creates an invalid aiff according to sox.
-- Mauro ******************************************************** Universe is *not* user-friendly. [Lo stolto chiama pace l'allontanarsi del fronte]
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