Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] CD audio
From: Joseph Zitt (
Date: Sat Jul 13 2002 - 02:47:49 EEST
On Fri, 12 Jul 2002 19:38:11 -0400
Paul Winkler <> wrote:
> If xmms has a cd-audio ripping plugin, which I guess is what you're
> trying to use, it'll just treat the CD as one continous data source.
Actually, I'm not yet trying to rip CDs -- just trying to play them.
XMMS ostensibly has a plugin that can read CD tracks and play them.
(There's one built-in, as well as one available elsewhere. I don't know
if they're the same, but both give the same lack-of-result.)
I don't know if this is an ATAPI CD and if that means the SCSI tweaks
are needed. FWIW, it's a Dell Latitude CPi D266XT as described at It has documentation about
the CD and sound, but I'm not clear on how to change that to refer to my
I've now downloaded the latest ALSA release files, and am trying to
figure out how to install them. I'm puzzled, but may not have yet
located the appropriate docs. What little I've understood seems (though
I'm not sure) to suggest that I'll need a alsa-kernel file for my
kernel (I'm running 2.4.18-3), but I haven't found one anywhere yet.
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