Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] CD audio
From: Joseph Zitt (
Date: Sun Jul 14 2002 - 09:30:02 EEST
On Sun, 14 Jul 2002 02:02:14 -0400
Paul Winkler <> wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 13, 2002 at 09:54:48PM -0700, Joseph Zitt wrote:
> > Doing "/sbin/modprobe -n soundcore" comes up blank.
> If it works, it shouldn't tell you anything...
> to verify, try running lsmod. see if soundcore is listed in the
> output.
Ah, OK. Since the Wiki said:
| Most modern distros come with soundcore compiled as a module. You can
| check this in numerous ways. The easiest way is to type.
| modprobe -n soundcore
| If this command returns that you have this module, then you don't need
| to recompile your kernel.
I expected the command to return some output telling me that it was
there. It might be worth tweaking the Wiki to explain this.
> > What does it mean about "options" in a directory? Doing a "make
> > xconfig" I don't see an item for "soundcore", though the first
> > option there is for sound card support, and is indeed enabled. Is
> > this related?
> Yes. It's the same thing. When you enable sound support as a module,
> and do make modules_install, you will install soundcore.o.
lsmod shows that it's there, and it's already appearing as enabled when
I check via a "make xconfig". Do I understand that I don't have to
change anything re: the kernel?
I've now done the configure, make, and make install for the alsa driver,
lib, utils, and tools. The Wiki next says to do the line
modprobe snd-via8233;modprobe snd-pcm-oss;modprobe \
snd-mixer-oss;modprobe snd-seq-oss
but also mentions the alsa-driver-xxx/utils/alsasound script for RedHat
systems (I'm running RedHat 7.3). Should I do one or the other? Both?
To get the modules to load whenever I boot, should I copy the line or
the file somewhere?
(I think I'm getting closer...)
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