Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] CD audio
From: Joseph Zitt (
Date: Sun Jul 14 2002 - 10:27:43 EEST
On Sun, 14 Jul 2002 02:56:52 -0400
Paul Winkler <> wrote:
> > I've now done the configure, make, and make install for the alsa
> > driver, lib, utils, and tools. The Wiki next says to do the line
> >
> > modprobe snd-via8233;modprobe snd-pcm-oss;modprobe \
> > snd-mixer-oss;modprobe snd-seq-oss
> >
> > but also mentions the alsa-driver-xxx/utils/alsasound script for
> > RedHat systems (I'm running RedHat 7.3). Should I do one or the
> > other? Both?
> One or the other.
OK, so I ran the alsasound script, and was told that I have to use one
of the arguments start, stop, restart, or status. I ran "alsasound
start", then, doing the next thing the Wiki suggested, ran "alsamixer".
It told me:
alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or
Going back, I tried "alsasound status", and was told:
ALSA sound driver not loaded.
Trying various combinations of start, stop, and restart didn't change
this. Am I missing a step?
-- | | | | | == New book: Surprise Me with Beauty: the Music of Human Systems == | | Comma / Gray Code Silence: the John Cage Discussion List |> > > To get the modules to load whenever I boot, should I copy the line > > or the file somewhere? > > Use the alsasound script. Put it in /etc/rc.d/init.d (or whatever > your distro calls it), and put the appropriate links in the > /etc/rcN.d directories, where N corresponds to the appropriate > runlevels. I'm not going to explain the init script system to > you... you'll have to RTFM for more info. I learned it > from "Running Linux" 2nd edition, so I can recommend that. > > -- > > Paul Winkler > home: > "Muppet Labs, where the future is made - today!" >
-- | | | | | == New book: Surprise Me with Beauty: the Music of Human Systems == | | Comma / Gray Code Silence: the John Cage Discussion List |
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