Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] CD audio
From: Joseph Zitt (
Date: Tue Jul 16 2002 - 20:34:06 EEST
On Wed, 17 Jul 2002 02:33:52 +0900
Patrick Shirkey <> wrote:
> > Various experts on Linux audio lead an intelligent newbie around in
> > circles by making wrong assumptions about where he is starting from
> > (in terms of system configuration, familiarity with Unix conventions
> > for command lines, etc.). I must admit, it is a lot easier to make
> > assumptions than to find out what is really going on.
> >
> Perhaps not everyone has the interest to perefectly explain something
> that has been said a million times over.
Well, while it may have been said a million times, it still seems not to
have been communicated. FWIW, I've been using UNIX and UNIX-like tools
practically since their inception (a coworker coded up some tools in the
early eighties working from the original blue technical publication) and
have been a technical writer and editor for most of the past couple of
decades, and, as has been demonstrated, I still don't know what the heck
is going on with the Linux tools much of the time.
> > On the other hand, if the audio driver that is already installed
> > works, installing the ALSA driver is a waste of time unless you
> > actually want to use some features that are unique to ALSA.
> >
> Good point but Joseph obviously does becasue oss does not support usb
> audio.
OK, confused again: do I understand correctly that I'm currently using
OSS with USB audio (in listening to MP3s, etc, though the USB audio
interface)? If so, doesn't that show that OSS *does* support usb audio,
but not the cd-playing interface on my machine?
> > As previously observed, to play an audio CD though a USB audio
> > interface, you must digitally extract the audio data from the CD,
> > exactly as if you were "ripping" the CD to a .wav (or other digital
> > audio format) file. ALSA has nothing to do with this process. To
> > work on this part of the problem, look at "CD ripping" software such
> > as cdda2wav and/or cdparanoia, and associated howtos.
> >
> It is unnecessary for him to read up about that if he uses a working
> version of xmms or alsaplayer, but it won't hurt if he does.
And I have.
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