Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] CD audio
From: Joseph Zitt (
Date: Tue Jul 16 2002 - 21:22:32 EEST
On Wed, 17 Jul 2002 03:08:31 +0900
Patrick Shirkey <> wrote:
> So this should be easy for you. Hence the reason that most people have
> given you less info in their advice. Competence is assumed.
Well, perhaps the apparent assumption as to what constitutes competence,
on the part of the writers of the scattered documentation as well as the
reader, is in need of revision. (For example, my current issue of where
to unpack the tarballs, having been given apparently contradictory
information from apparently knowledgable sources. Not that I'm accusing
either of incompetence, just of the well-intentioned information, when
compared, not increasing clarity.)
> >>>On the other hand, if the audio driver that is already installed
> >>>works, installing the ALSA driver is a waste of time unless you
> >>>actually want to use some features that are unique to ALSA.
> >>>
> >>
> >>Good point but Joseph obviously does becasue oss does not support
> >usb>audio.
> >
> >
> > OK, confused again: do I understand correctly that I'm currently
> > using OSS with USB audio (in listening to MP3s, etc, though the USB
> > audio interface)? If so, doesn't that show that OSS *does* support
> > usb audio, but not the cd-playing interface on my machine?
> >
> To verify this you need to check which module is being used. You
> should know how to do this by now.
At this point I'm confused on this, having gotten a flurry of emails
about different readings of lsmod and modprobe and the like.
> Can you also let us know what the
> name of your usb card is again for reference on google?
It's the Roland UA-30 USB audio interface.
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