Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Recording dat quality.
From: Jean-Pierre Thibault (
Date: Wed Jul 17 2002 - 21:06:45 EEST
On Thu, Jul 18, 2002 at 02:58:25AM +0900, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> No I am recording a cd through an external input. The portable cdplayer
> plays through it's output at 44100 but I am trying to capture the input
> from my card at 48000. Then playback the recording at 48000. I didn't
> think that the sample rate from the portable cdplayer would affect the
> pitch and speed of the recording but it seems it does.
If you're recording through analog input, then obviously the sample rate of
the source doesn't matter -- you should be able to record at any sample rate
you wish, and playing it back at that sample rate it would have the same
speed/pitch of the original.
If you're recording through a digital interface, I don't know what's
happening: will your soundcard do sample-rate conversion in realtime, or
will it simply record the 44100 stream? If you play that back at 48k, then
yes it will be sped up. Why don't you record at 44.1 and then use SoX for
sample-rate conversion? Using the high-quality settings, this will probably
give you better results anyway (although the conversion could be lenghty).
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