Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] project management software for linux?
From: Greg Bodnar (
Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 20:08:41 EEST
Matt Price <> is on permanent record as saying:
: Hey everyone,
:well, now that things are at least so far) working, I have a substantive
:I use audio software to produce short radio (or net radio)
:documentaries. I would like to be able to collaborate on projects with
:friends and colleagues who are currently spread out all across the
:Northern hemisphere. Has anyone ever tried to use cvs or something
:similar for collaborative audio projects? I have a vision of a
:gui-based project management package that other people could use...
:something specifically designed for audio or mmultimedia work would be
:the best... I can't imagine it exists yet! -- but maybe there's a less
:ambitious route that could actually WORK??
This is a bit of a tough one. CVS won't be able to diff the binary
files. Each update would be huge. There are projects in the works to
do a binary diff, but for audio, that might not help all that much. (of
course, CVS would be great if you were dealing with structured audio.)
Having said that, CVS can still manage things for you. It will just be
really inefficient. To compensate for this, files could be split into
logical components (if any natural breaks occur). This way, if a small
change is made, only that section would be rewritten into CVS, rather
than the whole program.
And now my mind is trying to sort out a way to diff audio. This could
make for some really interesting research.
--- -
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