Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: CD audio

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: CD audio
From: Patrick Shirkey (
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 08:17:29 EEST

Speaker to Vegetables wrote:
> Can you say exactly what you are doing to try to get xmms to "see" CDs?
> One previous message indicated that you told it to open "/mnt/cdrom",
> which should not work -- when no DATA CD is mounted, /mnt/cdrom is just
> an ordinary empty directory. On my system, telling xmms to add
> "/dev/cdrom" to the playlist (when an audio cd is in the drive) adds
> the tracks of the CD instead. The fact that CD ripping (to a file)
> works on your system gives me confidence that something like that
> should work for you too. The name might be different though. Try
> /dev/cdrom, /dev/sr0, and (what the heck) maybe even /dev/sr1.
> If none of that works, maybe your xmms doesn't have the right input
> plugin. On my system, in the xmms "Preferences" dialog, under "Input
> plugins", one of the entries is "AudioCD Reader 0.11d []".
> Do you have something similar?
> On Thursday 18 July 2002 04:55 am, Joseph Zitt wrote:
>>On Wed, 17 Jul 2002 18:15:14 -0400
>>Paul <> wrote:
>>> by rights should be in the audiofile-devel
>>>rpm. However, I just looked at an olde RH rpm that does not have
>>>it. Its a little textfile describing the lib that libtool uses.
>>>You might check and see if your rpm put it in /usr/local/lib. If
>>>its there, then you can try and cut and paste the failing command
>>>you show, and add -L/usr/local/lib to it. (or edit the makefile
>>>to somehow include that)
>>> Failing that, you might build the audiofile stuff from
>>>src, or test the rpms or srpms from:
>>I found a file elsewhere on the web, and dropped it
>>into place. xmms compiled and installed and the new version is now
>>But it still doesn't see CDs.

To play a cd through the cdda interface with xmms you need to get a
seperately distributed plugin. I cannot remember the name but you should
find it on the xmms website.

It will read from /dev/cdrom which should be a static link to dev/hdb or
hdc. (probably hdb because you are using a notebook). You also need
correct rw permissions for /dev/cdrom


ln -s /dev/cdrom

then if you need to change the permissions do

chmod a+rw /dev/cdrom

but you need the plugin first before xmms can work with cdda over your
USB card.

Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd.
For the discerning hardware connoisseur

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