Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] project management software for linux?
From: Matt Price (
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 05:05:08 EEST
>On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Greg Bodnar wrote:
>> And now my mind is trying to sort out a way to diff audio. This could
>> make for some really interesting research.
>How about using an Edit Description List. Keep the original file, and
>just update the history of changes applied to it. You would need editor
>support for this, but it seems to be the best way.
Yes, I think I'm thinking more along these lines than Greg's
ambitious engineering project (but Greg -- I *want* you to do this
for your thesis...). I'm not a programmer (that's why I'm on the
audio-USERS list...), but I'd still be interested in thinking more
about how to put something like that together. WHat would be
involved in, say, trying to make a plug-in for audacity or (shudder)
ardour, that would provide just such an Edit Description List
function? Anybody know?
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