Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: CD audio
From: Joseph Zitt (
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 03:13:29 EEST
On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 17:06:12 -0700
Joseph Zitt <> wrote:
> Ah, I would never have guessed that that was the right plugin from the
> description. (What does visualisation have to do with it?)
> But I built it from the tarball and it worked!
> ... sort of. xmms plays the CD audio through the USB interface
> beautifully for between 5-15 seconds (I tested it a few times), before
> crashing and locking up so tight that the only way to get rid of the
> process is to reboot.
FWIW, after a bit more poking at it, I've found that the process does
agree to be killed if I physically eject the CD first.
Also, I get the following, which may or may not be informative, when
running it from the command line:
/usr/lib/xmms/Output/ undefined symbol: esd_get_latency
> But we're closer. Any ideas what might be happening now?
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