Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: CD audio
From: Joseph Zitt (
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 03:06:12 EEST
On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 19:36:03 -0400
Speaker to Vegetables <> wrote:
> As far as I can tell, the plugin you need is listed on page
> as:
> Xmms-CdRead 0.11d / Willem Monsuwe ( willem at )
> [ source ] Jun 25, 2001
> Xmms-CdRead will read the CdRom as data, allowing XMMS to use
> that for visualization.
> This appears to be the plugin that supports digital-extraction CD
> playing on my system. The entry links to
> which contains a bunch of tarballs of which
> would appear to match the version my system claims to have.
Ah, I would never have guessed that that was the right plugin from the
description. (What does visualisation have to do with it?)
But I built it from the tarball and it worked!
... sort of. xmms plays the CD audio through the USB interface
beautifully for between 5-15 seconds (I tested it a few times), before
crashing and locking up so tight that the only way to get rid of the
process is to reboot.
But we're closer. Any ideas what might be happening now?
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