Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: CD audio
From: Speaker to Vegetables (
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 02:36:03 EEST
Ah. You need a different plugin. Alas that "CD Audio Player", even if it
worked, would do the wrong thing.
On SuSE 8.0, I have CD Audio Player 1.2.6 [] in my xmms
input plugins list. It looks like whatever you put in to the
"directory" field of the configure dialog (e.g. "/mnt/cdrom"), if you
add to the playlist that same name as a directory (not as a file), you
get the CDs audio track list added to the playlist. Right-click in
playlist window, choose Add, and from the cascating submenu choose
Directory. It works on my SuSE 8.0 system. If it doesn't work for you,
maybe it is because of the incompatibility with Red Hat 7.3 the authors
But in a way, the above is of no consequence because that plugin does
NOT do a digital audio extract as you need. It simply tells the drive
what part of the CD to read, and to send the audio data to the CD
drive's analog audio output connector. With an internal sound card you
could run a wire from there to an input on the sound card. But with an
external USB sound interface, there is nothing to connect this analog
audio output to. Or so I have been told. So even if this plugin worked
(saw the tracks), it wouldn't work (produce any sound). I have verified
this by noticing which volume controls in my ALSA mixer affect the
sound level when playing a CD different ways -- "CD" (analog) or "PCM"
As far as I can tell, the plugin you need is listed on page as:
Xmms-CdRead 0.11d / Willem Monsuwe ( willem at )
[ source ] Jun 25, 2001
Xmms-CdRead will read the CdRom as data, allowing XMMS to use
that for visualization.
This appears to be the plugin that supports digital-extraction CD
playing on my system. The entry links to
which contains a bunch of tarballs of which would
appear to match the version my system claims to have.
If Red Hat doesn't suck they will have packaged this up for you as an
RPM already and just didn't choose to install it automagically.
On Thursday 18 July 2002 03:16 pm, Joseph Zitt wrote:
> - - BEGIN QUOTE - -
> r14: Why doesn't the CD plugin work on my RH7.3 installation?
> Because of a rather ugly hack in the plugin, it will not work with
> the patched version of GTK that RedHat ships. A fix has been
> submitted to RedHat to fix XMMS, and it will also be corrected in the
> next version. - - END QUOTE - -
> Building from the latest sources of xmms, I had hoped that it would
> be fixed. They mention that a fix (to what?) had been submitted to
> RedHat (when and where?), but that's insufficient information to
> suggest to me what to try to get it working.
> > If none of that works, maybe your xmms doesn't have the right input
> > plugin. On my system, in the xmms "Preferences" dialog, under
> > "Input plugins", one of the entries is "AudioCD Reader 0.11d
> > []".
> >
> > Do you have something similar?
> Using the vanilla XMMS that I just rebuilt last night, I see that it
> has "CD Audio Player 1.2.7 []". The Plugins listing on
> the XMMS site has no mention of the string "AudioCD".
-- "Can you remember the future? Forget it!"
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