Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: CD audio
From: Patrick Shirkey (
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 12:05:52 EEST
Joseph Zitt wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Jul 2002 17:37:40 +0900
> Patrick Shirkey <> wrote:
>>Check to see if you are running esd.
>>ps -aux
> says that I have:
> jzitt 1137 0.0 0.8 2716 544 ? S Jul18 0:02 esd
> -terminate -n
>>It may be turned on without your knowledge either by your desktop env
>>or by xmms. If it is you can kill it and restart xmms. That may or may
>>not fix things.
> Do I understand, then, that it shouldn't be running?
No you can have it running but that error from the previuos message
shouldn't be happening so it is a good idea to try using xmms without esd.
If you kill esd and start xmms making sure that it is using the oss
drivers then everything should work. You can change the settings for the
driver in the property options for xmms.
>>You can also try specifying the output plugin for xmms on the
>>commandline. There is also an alsa native plugin which you can
>>download from the xmms homepage.
> Well, yeah, but that would involve actually succeeding in getting ALSA
> running :-)
I thought you were di you get put of by the error from install. You must
be pretty close by now.
What happens?
Do you have the modules in the correct dir?
ls /lib/modules/[version]/kernel/sound/snd-xxx
If not and you would like to use ALSA, then I think it is time you learn
how to install the kernel because it is obvious that Redhat have fsck'd
up for your computer. Don't sweat it. The lowlatency howto has very
detailed instructions for installing the kernel.
-- Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd. For the discerning hardware connoisseur ========================================
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