Subject: [linux-audio-user] alsaplayer runs fine in kde, crashes in gnome; freeamp gives error
From: Matt Price (
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 19:05:26 EEST
trying to diagnise my sound problems:
I dhave alsa 0.9 (rc2) installed now and am getting no more complaints
from the system. mp3 players work only intermittently, however. Here's
the scoop:
alsaplayer now launches well in kde, though opening "scopes" windows
causes it to crash (this was not always the case, though I can't
remember at what point it was that I was able to make the work). In
gnome, though, it won't launch.
Freeamp works fine when I call it as root, though it won't open streams
for me (I guess it needs netscape, which for good reasons won't run as
root). When I run it as an ordinary user, I can't make any
modifications in the gui; back in the ocnsole I get the error message,
Error opening cdrom: Permission denied
anyone know what the origin of this message is?
thanks again,
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