Subject: [linux-audio-user] soundfonts and sblive
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 18:09:00 EEST
I'm trying to build soundfonts with the Smurf soundfont editor
to be loaded to the synth on my SBLive Platinum,
and experiencing problems of the following kind:
When I make a soundfont from scratch and load it
to the card with sfxload, no sound comes out. I'm using
the muse sequencer. Most of the soundfonts I've tried seem to work just
fine, including the GM fonts supplied by Creative
and some fonts I found on the net that are made by other people.
I tried editing a soundfont that is originally made by someone else
adding my own instruments and not touching
the original instruments. This way, after loading the font,
it could be used in a normal way, except that for some
reason the higher notes were missing. The Smurf editor has no
problem in reloading this font, it's exactly as I saved it,
but as I try it out on the sblive (with muse) or on the iiwusynth plugin
of muse, a portion of the keyboard
is not there. The instrument consists of two stereoclips and
the other (on the high end of the keyboard) is almost totally missing
from the instrument.
Some low notes can be heard on keys a bit before the keys that they're
supposed to be on, and after the key where the first sample should
change to to the other, there is nothing.
What I'd like to know is where the incompatibility is: smurf,
sfxload, muse or the sblive perhaps; and with what?
Has anyone seen this somewhere before? What to do?
-- Jaakko Prattala Jaakko.Prattala_AT_Helsinki.FI----- End forwarded message -----
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