Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: CD audio
From: Joseph Zitt (
Date: Sun Jul 21 2002 - 04:07:19 EEST
On Fri, 19 Jul 2002 20:59:37 -0700 (PDT)
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano <nando_AT_ccrma.Stanford.EDU> wrote:
> > Am I right in guessing that the explicit reference to
> > linux-2.4.18-pre9 in the patch is the problem? Should I make another
> > symbolic link, using that name, or will that just make things worse?
> Hmmm, I would cd into the linux-2.4.18-3 directory and to a patch -p1,
> that would make the first component of the path irrelevant.
> [I may be wrong in the followint] It would seem you are trying to
> patch the standard redhat 7.3 kernel source. It may not patch cleanly
> as the lowlat patch you have is meant to patch 2.4.18 + 2.4.19-rc1.
> The redhat kernel includes a partial low latency kernel patch (and a
> ton of other patches) that might conflict with the full lowlat one.
OK, I'm now ftp'ing kernel/linux-2.4.18.tar.bz2 from, so
I'm hoping the patch will work with it without messing too much else up.
I suspect that I'll want to keep some of the configuration done
with/for the current kernel, so hope that I can spot in the
documentation how to preserve what i need to.
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