Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] A new modular ?
From: Frank Barknecht (
Date: Sun Jul 21 2002 - 13:03:18 EEST
jordan muscott hat gesagt: // jordan muscott wrote:
> not only is it not free enough yet - im not entirely sure a linux
> port really has the authors full support. i quote from the website:
> "Those Linux boys and girls need to get a little focus on things.
> Don't YELL Linux is good, make it good! Because currently it sucks
> big time. Not the system itself but all support around it. Why are
> there 8 different sound driver layers? Why are there multiple
> desktop managers (incompatible on API level)? Why can't I set a
> thread to realtime level without becomming setuid root? Why do I
> have to mount a floppy before I can read it?"
> fair enough. everyones entitled to their own opinion....even if they
> are wrong ;)
Oops, I didn't read that. But we all here know such sayings from
Microsoft-users (and from MS itself!)
I think, those opinions are a mixed bag and come in part from missing
knowledge, but in part they are simply true.
What's "the system itself"?
"Why mount?" for example is a good point, but misses automount(8) and
the fact, that Windows also mounts disks before they become usable.
"Why setuid?" is something, I did ask myself as well. OK, higher
priority is something, not everyone should have, because then everyone
could in fact stop a system, but setuid doesn't seem a good solution
to this. Capabilities are?!
"8 different sound driver layers?" Point taken, ASIO, MME and
DirectSound are just three.
But then the "multiple desktop managers" question is bulls*t: Who needs a
"desktop manager" anyway? They totally miss, that diversity is a good
thing. I don't want to be forced to use one single browser or one
single file manager.
-- Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__
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