Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] jackd --> ardour .xpm?
From: Carlos Figueiredo - Ritualnet (
Date: Mon Jul 22 2002 - 12:22:30 EEST
Dear LAUsers,
Thank you all for your efforts!!
It seems jack is running now ( although it gives me some strange messages
that may be latency related), so I will focus on tweeking my system!
ARDOUR is not complaining about jack, but now it fails to read the
configuration file (I've set the environment variable and edited the
configuration file), and ends telling me that it could not load the on/off
button (*.xpm files or something similar!)
Anyway, over the weekend time was limited due to summer schedulings, and
with a broken arm that keeps me from playing the guitar, and after so much
reading and waiting on ardour, I just wonder if things will ever turn out
carlos miguel
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