Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] xmms and ogg files
From: Steve Harris (
Date: Tue Jul 23 2002 - 17:36:11 EEST
On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 10:20:02 -0400, Jim Hines wrote:
> On Tuesday 23 July 2002 09:13 am, Steve Harris wrote:
> I normally do not EQ "perfectly good audio". It's generally the bad stuff that
> needs it most. ;)
Sure. If you can't EQ it offline, then xmms-ladspa is the best way to
preserve as much quality as possible.
> What I would really like is a quality mechanism to guarantee that all my
> ogg/mp3 files play at the same volumn level. I once tried a plugin for xmms
> (don't recall the name) that attempted to do this, but it made the overall
> sound quality terrible.
Yup, you need a subtle compressor. Unfortunatly I don't know of a LADSPA
one (there is an unsubtle one and a stupidly heavy one), its a serious
ommision, but the're hard to get right.
> I don't really like the idea of normalizing all my wavs before converting them
> to ogg or mp3, and have several high bitrate mp3s that I do not have the
> source material for (mainly unreleased Beatles material). Any ideas here?
FWIW I try to keep things in FLAC format, it doesn't compress that well
~50%, but it is lossless. The price/GB of modern disks makes this
If the bitrate is high enough it may be worth uncompressing, EQing and
recompressing them. Audacity will do a decent job of this.
- Steve
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