Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] ALSA and usb-audio
From: Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano (nando_AT_ccrma.Stanford.EDU)
Date: Sun Jul 28 2002 - 09:44:05 EEST
> OK, I'm trying it again, having upgraded my kernel and installed ALSA
> RPMs via apt-get following what I understand from the Planet CCRMA
> instructions and the Wiki. But it looks like snd-usb-audio isn't
> loading. Have I missed a step?:
No, I don't think you have. The version of the driver in the new site is
recent but not recent enough. It predates the appearance of the new usb
alsa driver. So the module is not there.
> [root_AT_gimel jzitt]# more /etc/modules.conf
> alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
> alias usb-controller usb-uhci
> pre-remove sound-slot-0 /bin/aumix-minimal -f /etc/.aumixrc -S
> >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
> alias sound-slot-0 audio
The previous two lines you don't need, erase them or comment them out,
they are remnants of the oss configuration. Here's the rest of the lines
you should use in your modules.conf:
# --- ALSA configuration
alias char-major-116 snd
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias snd-card-0 snd-usb-audio
# --- OSS compatibility
alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss
# --- Options
options snd snd_major=116 snd_cards_limit=1 \
snd_device_mode=0666 snd_device_gid=0 snd_device_uid=0
options snd-usb-audio snd_index=0 snd_id=USB
# --- Keep modules from being autocleaned
add options -k snd-card-0
# --- ALSA configuration END
You were missing the "options" lines that are part of the template that's
in the planetccrma site.
Some comments:
If you look at this line (that is in your modules.conf file):
> alias sound-slot-0 audio
And look at the output of lsmod:
[root_AT_gimel jzitt]# /sbin/lsmod
Module Size Used by Tainted: P
ppp_deflate 44576 0 (autoclean)
ppp_async 8192 1 (autoclean)
ppp_generic 26252 3 (autoclean) [ppp_deflate ppp_async]
slhc 6028 1 (autoclean) [ppp_generic]
sr_mod 15800 0 (autoclean)
audio 42176 1 (autoclean)
soundcore 6372 2 (autoclean) [audio]
You'll see that "audio" (the oss module - hmm, I assume this is for usb
audio) is still loaded, so even if the usb alsa module were there they
would not have been able to load. Before trying to start the alsa driver
you have to unload the oss driver. Do that with an "/sbin/rmmod audio".
After you make sure that they are unloaded do a
/etc/rc.d/init.d/alsasound start
[but only when you have a newer version of the driver]
I have a newer set of alsa packages and even a newer kernel, but I need to
get the newer alsa compiled on the old kernel you already installed, I'll
let you know when it is online and the repository is updated. The usb
stuff started to happen (I believe) about a week latter than the date of
the alsa drivers you installed. Sorry for the trouble... and thanks for
your patience.
-- Fernando
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