Subject: [linux-audio-user] quattro multi plugin - 4 channel recording
From: Patrick Shirkey (
Date: Sun Jul 28 2002 - 11:14:27 EEST
I have now got 4 channel recording using arecord.
It seemed the alias for the ctl was throwing the equation.
Use the following in your .asoundrc file.
# compose 4 channels from two channel x two devices, hw:2,1 and hw:2,2
# assuming that hw:2,1 and hw:2,2 give the same condition, 24_3LE/96k
pcm.quattro {
type multi;
slaves.a.pcm "hw:2,1";
slaves.a.channels 2;
slaves.b.pcm "hw:2,2";
slaves.b.channels 2;
bindings.0.slave a; 0;
bindings.1.slave a; 1;
bindings.2.slave b; 0;
bindings.3.slave b; 1;
ctl.quattro {
type hw;
card 2;
# remap 4 channels as interleaved.
# use plug instead of route here, since 24_3LE is unlikely supported by
# applications.
# arecord -r 44100 -c 4 -f s16_le -D q4 -d 5 /home/xxx/q4.wav
pcm.q4 {
type plug;
slave.pcm "quattro";
ttable.0.0 1;
ttable.1.1 1;
ttable.2.2 1;
ttable.3.3 1;
ctl.q4 {
type hw;
card 2;
# Use route plugin for applications that do support 24_3LE
# This lowers latency which the plug plugin introduces due to
# resampling.
# arecord -r 44100 -c 4 -f s16_le -D q41 -d 5 /home/xxx/q41.wav
pcm.q41 {
type route;
slave.pcm "quattro";
ttable.0.0 1;
ttable.1.1 1;
ttable.2.2 1;
ttable.3.3 1;
ctl.q41 {
type hw;
card 2;
-- Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd. For the discerning hardware connoisseur ========================================
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