Subject: [linux-audio-user] Current issues with linux audio
From: Richard Seymour (
Date: Sun Jul 28 2002 - 18:07:05 EEST
There are so many problems out there. One of them is that people may
not be ultra experienced with maintaining a Linux system. There are
really good books and websites (linuxnewbie, etc.) on that, which can
help people out. Another is that the HOWTOs, etc. are often extremely
out of date, leading to much confusion. Also, what about hardware?
It is clear that some hardware is much better supported than others.
What are the answers to simple questions about buying a sound card
that can do 'everything' under linux? Also, what cards are the
greatest value?
I'm also surprised that no one has mentioned Gentoo (
linux. That distro uses a system sorta like FreeBSD's ports system to
maintain itself. In other words, everything is built special for your
machine, but done with package management style tools. It does
require a good internet connection, though. Their kernels come with
the low latency patches applied. What about GenMuDi? hrm
Anyway, I don't like to get into hypotheticals about what users coming
in can do. I've seen people go from old Mac to Linux and from Windows
to Linux with varying degrees of success, some extremely positive.
It's only if you force yourself into an all or nothing switch that you
can hit a brick wall of why can't I do this one *@&#%$@ thing!
Later on,
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