Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] icky low level linux stuff
From: Ian Bell (
Date: Sun Jul 28 2002 - 20:41:56 EEST
On Saturday 27 Jul 2002 1:35 pm, you wrote:
> (and suddenly, a lurker appears)
> Hi everyone. (steps out of bushes)
> (steps back into bushes)
Linux is a community project - not something manufactured by some corporation
that worships the god of profit. That means its development depends entirely
on the abilities and good will of that community. Now if you want to do
something positive and contribute to that community, even if it is just
emailing the authors to suggest how they could improve the installation then
that's fine and it would be even better if you were prepared to do more like
write good documentation or, dare I say it, write some code. If all you want
to do is slag off Linux because it hasn't developed the way you want it to
then all I can suggest is you go somewhere else to do it.
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