Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] SNR (not audio)
From: Brian Redfern (
Date: Mon Jul 29 2002 - 20:52:44 EEST
One thing to remember is that as an artist, the easiest way is not
necessarily the best, for beginners it may be true and for unix newbies I
would still reccomend macosx over linux, but for soemone trying to make
something creative and unique, the unique software that is only available
for linux can definitely give you more creative options.
On Mon, 29 Jul 2002, Lloyd R. Prentice wrote:
> Hi Ken,
> "Malsky, Ken" wrote:
> > Is this list always this bad?
> >
> As a thick-skinned newbie who has been a subscriber of this list for a few
> months now, I can only urge you to please stay aboard and add to the richness of
> information and shared experience that you'll find here.
> True, discussion has gone off on a bit of a self-obsessed tangent in recent
> days, but this is not typical. I was truly blown away by the scope and detail of
> the many responses to my first naive questions. Such generous responses of
> highly informed people is much more the rule than what you've experienced in
> your short sojourn. In general, the quality of the responses is in direct
> proportion to the quality of the questions.
> If you read between the lines over the last few days, you'll see a strong theme
> of "how can we be of even more help to newbies." This, in my experience, the
> true spirit of this list.
> Best wishes and welcome,
> Lloyd R. Prentice
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