Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Noise Reduction experience?
From: Anahata (
Date: Tue Jul 30 2002 - 18:17:47 EEST
On Tue, Jul 30, 2002 at 04:49:32PM +0300, Juhana Sadeharju wrote:
> Low level whistling comes from FFT based NR methods when the size of FFT
> is large. I did read this from Journal of AES paper describing
> Lucasfilm's NR method (year 1986 something). They used 256 pins FFT but
> they reduced the whistling by mixing the original audio with the
> processed audio. The paper documented their 4 band (overlapping) NR
> method too, anyone interested?
Yes please!
Does anyone have technical details on the noise reduction methods used by
Audacity, Gnome Wave Cleaner and others?
In other words, I want to be convinced that GWC will do a better job than
Audacity (or not, or that there's something better) - has anyone published
comparative reviews?
-- Anahata Tel: 01638 720444 Mob: 07976 263827
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