Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] ALSA and usb-audio
From: Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano (nando_AT_ccrma.Stanford.EDU)
Date: Wed Jul 31 2002 - 03:30:35 EEST
> OK, getting much closer now: I have ALSA installed to the point that I
> can successfully play a WAV file with aplay.
That's VERY good news. I'll let you know when I have more up
to date alsa driver rpms, those are not the latest and usb has
been used for a very short time. At least they got you up and
[make backups of the files and be careful if editing them,
they are vital to the startup and halt of the machine]
> I understand that as part of the next step I have to comment out or
> remove lines from /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit to keep the system from
> installing the OSS drivers as it boots. I'm not clear, however, on
> which lines to comment out. Grepping through the file, I see that this
> chunk (lines 393 to 411 on my systems) is the only area where the
> strings "snd" or "sound" occur:
> # tweak isapnp settings if needed.
> if [ -n "$PNP" -a -f /proc/isapnp -a -x /sbin/sndconfig ]; then
> /sbin/sndconfig --mungepnp >/dev/null 2>&1
> fi
Those I would not touch (have no idea what they do). They have
something to do with oss sound configuration, I guess.
> # Load sound modules iff they need persistent DMA buffers
> if grep -q "options sound dmabuf=1" /etc/modules.conf 2>/dev/null ; then
> alias=`/sbin/modprobe -c | awk '/^alias sound / { print $3 }'`
> if [ -n "$alias" -a "$alias" != "off" ] ; then
> action $"Loading sound module ($alias): " modprobe sound
> fi
> alias=`/sbin/modprobe -c | awk '/^alias sound-slot-0 / { print $3 }'`
> if [ -n "$alias" -a "$alias" != "off" ] ; then
> action $"Loading sound module ($alias): " modprobe sound-slot-0
> fi
> fi
The previous ones I normally comment out (Put a "#" at the
beginning of the line, instead of erasing - just in case you
need or want to go to the previous setup). It is not really
mandatory to comment them out, I think things should work fine
with them in place, I just like alsa to be loaded only by the
alsasound script.
[After looking at the stuff again]
If fact I recommend you leave them as is for now.... :-)
> I also understand that I should comment out some of the
> /etc/rc.d/init/d/halt file. I'm guessing that it's in this chunk:
> # Save mixer settings, here for lack of a better place.
> grep -q "\(sparcaudio\|sound\)" /proc/devices
> if [ $? = 0 -a -x /bin/aumix-minimal ]; then
> runcmd $"Saving mixer settings" /bin/aumix-minimal -f /etc/.aumixrc
> -S
> fi
Yep, those are the ones, again, comment them out ("#" at the
beginning of the lines). Those lines save the state of the oss
mixer which will be of no help for alsa. The program that does
that in alsa is /usr/sbin/alsactl.
[Caveat: the alsasound script in the rpms does not currently
save the state of the mixer on shutdown so that when you start
alsa the mixer is reset to what you saved when configuring
things - in a one user / one machine situation maybe it
should, here at ccrma it is best to have a "fresh" mixer
configuration every time the sound driver starts and when each
user logins to his/hers/its account]
Let me know how it goes...
-- Fernando
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