Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] ALSA and usb-audio
From: Joseph Zitt (
Date: Wed Jul 31 2002 - 10:21:21 EEST
On Tue, Jul 30, 2002 at 05:30:35PM -0700, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> The previous ones I normally comment out (Put a "#" at the
> beginning of the line, instead of erasing - just in case you
> need or want to go to the previous setup). It is not really
> mandatory to comment them out, I think things should work fine
> with them in place, I just like alsa to be loaded only by the
> alsasound script.
> [After looking at the stuff again]
> If fact I recommend you leave them as is for now.... :-)
OK, leaving them as-is...
> > I also understand that I should comment out some of the
> > /etc/rc.d/init/d/halt file. I'm guessing that it's in this chunk:
> >
> > # Save mixer settings, here for lack of a better place.
> > grep -q "\(sparcaudio\|sound\)" /proc/devices
> > if [ $? = 0 -a -x /bin/aumix-minimal ]; then
> > runcmd $"Saving mixer settings" /bin/aumix-minimal -f /etc/.aumixrc
> > -S
> > fi
> Yep, those are the ones, again, comment them out ("#" at the
> beginning of the lines). Those lines save the state of the oss
> mixer which will be of no help for alsa. The program that does
> that in alsa is /usr/sbin/alsactl.
I've saved a copy of the file, then commented these lines out in
the original. I'll see how things behave after I reboot later tonight.
> [Caveat: the alsasound script in the rpms does not currently
> save the state of the mixer on shutdown so that when you start
> alsa the mixer is reset to what you saved when configuring
> things - in a one user / one machine situation maybe it
> should, here at ccrma it is best to have a "fresh" mixer
> configuration every time the sound driver starts and when each
> user logins to his/hers/its account]
I think saving things as originally configured should be OK.
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