Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] ALSA and usb-audio
From: Vincent Touquet (
Date: Wed Jul 31 2002 - 11:39:25 EEST
On Tue, Jul 30, 2002 at 11:56:42PM -0700, Joseph Zitt wrote:
>Getting ever closer.... I have rebooted and the ALSA drivers came up
>quite nicely. And alsaplayer successfully plays MP3s.
Nice :)
I'll need to setup usb audio in the future too.
Glad to hear that it works.
>However, when I try to play CDs (by selecting CDDA from the menu that
>comes from the box with the little horizontal lines on it), the CD
>plays but stutters, with it sounding like the sound is cutting in and
>out at a steady pace several times a second. Any clues?
Hm, no idea.
But most motherboards / soundcards
allow running a small cable from your
cd player to your motherboard / souncard,
so the device really acts as a cd player.
That way you avoid having to use
the [cd -> data -> cpu -> wav -> D/A -> sound] chain entirely
and you stick to [cd -> {builtin D/A} -> sound]
which avoids your operating system entirely,
so it doesn't involve any software which
could possibly be out of date, entirely.
If you have the possibility, use it,
is much easier :)
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