Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] ALSA and usb-audio
From: Joseph Zitt (
Date: Wed Jul 31 2002 - 12:57:08 EEST
On Wed, Jul 31, 2002 at 04:47:07PM +0900, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> > the CD
> > plays but stutters, with it sounding like the sound is cutting in and
> > out at a steady pace several times a second. Any clues?
> >
> Firstly which alsaplayer version are you using?
> If you are using an old rpm then you should update your version using a
> new one from the website. I recommend getting the tarball. it is simplay
> a matter of ./configure;make;make install.
> If you already have that or even better a fresh cvs version, have you
> set up a file with fake cdda tracks in it?
> eg.
> mkdir cdtrks
> cd cdtrks
> touch "track01.cdda" "track02.cdda" ....
> Then you should open a playlist in alsaplayer and load those tracks as
> if they were oggs or any other sound file on your hdd.
> One day we will get around to making those internally.
Hmm... if the user needs to do this to play the CD tracks, what is the
"CD player (CDDA)" menu option supposed to do?
From what little I know of the needed programming, it seems to me that
a simple shell script could be set to run when a CD is inserted (using
whatever mechanism pops the default CD player up now) that would do
those steps you mention. But it seems outside my programming chops.
> It is worth doing but not high on the TODO list, of course if you had
> the inclination....
Well, as someone mentioned here, not everyone is a hacker...
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