Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Acid for Linux ?
From: Patrick Shirkey (
Date: Mon Dec 09 2002 - 04:44:26 EET
Mark Knecht wrote:
> Patrick,
> Most of the time I agree a lot with your points of view, but this
> time I really don't. I see no reason to force people into a U*ix
> paradigm,
No, But this is un*x. If you don't appreciate it then why are you here?
> nor do I see the need to be insistent that Linux audio apps
> act differently that Windows
Not un*x
>or Mac apps
> that do a great job at what
> they are intended to do.In this case Acid is one of those apps, and I
> think at this time the answer is 'No, we do not yet have a native Linux
> app that works that way.
But we have a few that provide similar functionality.
> Acid is a great app. I've done songs in it. It's amazingly simple,
> straight forward as long as all you are doing is manipulating the timing
> of samples, and really pretty easy to get from start to finish. I see
> nothing wrong with those qualities.
Nope but we have a few ways of doing that in Linux already if you look
at things from a different angle.
> In fact, if the developers of Acid DID port it to Linux, then it
> would be a Linux app, and that would break your model stating he should
> get used to a new mindset.
I'll probably be dead before that happens. But you never know ;)
> While I have nothing against new mindsets, I
> don't think that they are always required. There's nothing wrong with
> Linux apps following a successful model and making apps that are easy
> for people to use either!
But there is if people refuse to use the software that has already been
provided. I see no reason to make a new app when we have others that
fulfill very similar functionality.
Also sweep is getting very very cool these days. Conrad is being paid to
work on multitrack support (among other things) to rock the sure shot.
IIRC, he has mentioned before that ACID is one of his favorite apps too.
-- Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd. For the discerning hardware connoisseur - The Linux Audio Users guide ========================================Being on stage with the band in front of crowds shouting, "Get off! No! We want normal music!", I think that was more like acting than anything I've ever done.
Goldie, 8 Nov, 2002 The Scotsman
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