[linux-audio-user] mp3 live-encoding with sox and lame

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Subject: [linux-audio-user] mp3 live-encoding with sox and lame
From: Christoph Rupp (chr1701_AT_yahoo.com)
Date: Mon Dec 09 2002 - 11:03:48 EET

Hello list!

(I have searched for an answer to this question in
google and some other lists but didn't find something
helpful... sorry if this has been asked before)

i want to have realtime-encoding of my soundcard
line-in with sox and lame (or something similar - i
need command line tools). Now i use

rec -t wav -r 44100 - | lame -m m -a -b 64 -

(i need 44.1 khz/64 kbit). But all 5 or 7 hours sox
crashes; there's an older thread on the sox mailing


which says that this is due to a counter in the wav
header which overflows and that you should use .raw
instead of .wav. But whatever i use doesn't sound

sox -t ossdsp -w -s /dev/dsp -t raw -r 44100 -c 2 - |
lame -r -m j -b 64 -x -s 44.1
--resample 44.1 -

It sounds dump:

I have tried many other options like -c 1 (leads to
noise) but i cannot find a solution... Maybe someone
of you knows a solution?



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