Re: [linux-audio-user] Triyng to compile pd (PPC)

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Triyng to compile pd (PPC)
From: Emiliano Grilli (
Date: Sun Dec 08 2002 - 21:55:14 EET

> what about the debian version of pd that you installed
> via apt-get? how does that work? Are you using midi
> with pd? I know that was crashing a friend's computer
> a lot.
> Art

I've not installed with apt-get, I simply symlinked
/usr/include/tcl8.3/tcl.h to /usr/include/tcl.h and
/usr/include/tcl8.3/tk.h to /usr/include/tk.h and the compilation went

If I don't specify -alsa pd freeze completely the computer.
For now I don't use MIDI (first time trying pd), but I have a problem
with audio on my iMic:

snd_pcm_hw_params_set_format (input): Invalid argument
Sample width set to 2 bytes
snd_pcm_hw_params_set_format (output): Invalid argument

And when I open the audio test page and click on "-40", I hear a very
ugly noise...

The internal soundcard of the ibook instead seems to work fine.
I suspect that this has something to do with inputs, since internal
soundcard doesn't have them.


  | Emiliano Grilli     |
  |    |
  | Linux user #209089  |

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