Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] SMP motherboards?
From: R Parker (
Date: Mon Dec 09 2002 - 09:22:29 EET
I've done some research but not on the intel systems.
I looked at AMD stuff. The only thing I can suggest is
to look at the overclocking sites. Those cats seem to
be on their game.
--- Taybin Rutkin <> wrote:
> Does anyone have any recommendations for cheap SMP
> motherboards?
> Something that can handle a couple 667 PIIIs would
> be ideal, but if the
> total price including CPUs is <$300, I'll consider
> it.
> My motherboard seems to not work with SMP anymore
> (freezing, restarting).
> I'm pretty sure it isn't a kernel thing because I've
> tried every version
> between 2.4.17 and 2.4.20 and they all act the same.
> It used to be rock
> solid at 2.4.18.
> Alternatively, I'd like the name of a good vendor of
> motherboards.
> Taybin
> --
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