Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Mandrake system
From: kevin ernste (
Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 03:10:24 EET
> errr... ok. BTW I saw that other apps have to be
> launched with another name than the one on the web
> site. Maybe I have to RTFM, but just an alias can be
> helpful for the hurried :)
The shorthand aliases are totally optional. I can't
think of an app that won't just run when you type it's
name. They are there in addition to the normal
program name only as a convenience. Some act as
shorthands for common but tedious execution with
flags, etc (see "record", for example, it runs arecord
with cd quality flags, etc).
All of these aliases are listed in
/usr/local/lib/ecmcaliases.csh which is sourced
whenever you start a new shell. Typing "which
<app_name>" will show you any aliasing that is in
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