Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Acid for Linux ? - Pitch shift
From: Patrick Shirkey (
Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 20:03:59 EET
Mark Knecht wrote:
> The biggest issue that hasn't been addressed here is that the biggest
> pain with Acid is actually managing the loop library and finding what you
> need. I've purchased drum loop libraries with 500 loops on a CD. How do you
> find the right loop to include in your song? This is the biggest problem.
> There really is no Acid solution today.
Hence the existence of session musicians who will play for a whole night
if you smoke em out and get them a few drinks.
Some of these creatures don't even require liquidation I'm told
-- Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd. For the discerning hardware connoisseur - The Linux Audio Users guide ========================================Being on stage with the band in front of crowds shouting, "Get off! No! We want normal music!", I think that was more like acting than anything I've ever done.
Goldie, 8 Nov, 2002 The Scotsman
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