Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] The Open Loop Library, a few questions
From: Vincent Touquet (
Date: Sun Dec 22 2002 - 11:27:12 EET
On Sat, Dec 21, 2002 at 10:59:29PM -0700, Darren Landrum wrote:
>The fact is, though, is we need a way to nip possible piracy in the
>bud. This seems like a good idea, but maybe MD5 isn't the way to go.
>Are there any other ways we can "profile" a piece of audio?
We won't find what DRM researches have been unable to find.
I think some kind of registration for users,
which is impossible or very hard to automate,
maybe along with some trust metric should
get us a long way to a right solution.
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